Book title: When You Reach Me - you won't understand the title until the very very end, and even then you  have to think about why it's called that, but when you do realise you realise it's a fantastically clever title.
Author: Rebecca Stead - an American author actually.
What type of book is it? I really don't think that this book fits any category. Probably the 'memorable books that you'll HAVE to remember for the rest of your life' category if it exists! It's not scary as the blurb suggests, but it is very exciting and you really can't put it down so don't read it before bed because you won't get any sleep!
What is it about? Where to start? One day, 12-year-old Miranda comes home to find a message in her apartment. It contains a strange request that she write a letter saying where she has hidden the apartment's spare key. What's puzzling, of course, is that whoever left the message must have used a key to get into the apartment in the first place. This is Miranda's first clue. As time goes on, it becomes apparent that we are in the midst of a time-travel story. The person leaving the notes is from Miranda's future. If she writes him a letter explaining where the key is, then when he travels back into his past/Miranda's present, he can use the key to get into the apartment to leave a letter to ask her where the key is to get into the apartment . . . You get the picture.
Once the truth has dawned, there's the whole matter of who this person from the future might be, and exactly why they're travelling back in time. The writer of the notes proves that he's for real by leaving tantalising clues about Miranda's immediate future, but in a most cryptic and low-key manner. And this is a big part of the book's charm: though time travel is the frame around which the story is constructed, it's really a beautifully observed story about family and friendship: her mother mugging up for her appearance on a quiz show; her mum's boyfriend being near perfect but for one leg being shorter than the other; the laughing man (the local crazy guy); and, of course, her school friends and best friend Sal.
The best bit was...everything really. I thought the short chapters created suspense and a great feel to the book. But the ending was probably the best bit. Or the beginning. Both captured you, so I can't decide.
Who would you recommend this for? Anybody looking for a great book! No, probably 10+, but anybody younger who is an avid reader would also enjoy it.
Have you read any other books by this author? No, I haven't, as she hasn't written very many books, but if she does, I certainly intend to!
Your rating (1-5 star):  5 stars! No question about it.
You HAVE to read this will change your view of the world. It changed mine.

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    I am 11, and crazy about books! Enjoy these reviews, more are coming soon!!!


    March 2011



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